Progress Report 09.07.2024 – The treasure of pleasures
Hey everyone, I hope you’re doing absolutely golden. Update time!
Temple of Coom
Sol’phie’s animation is nearing it’s completion, at least as far as animation part goes, there’s a number of bug fixes and adjustments I have to make, but I’ll get it to the sound guy ASAP and I can start the simulations/rendering. The rendering, as mentioned before, will take several weeks. We’re around 26000 frames now, not counting the credits scene and potential re-renders. My GPU’s are sweating already.
While on the credits scene, it’s possible we’ll repeat the strategy from last year and do a time-limited ~50$ tier for RTX 5090 fund (new GPU’s probably coming soon), with reward being early access, place in the animation credits and special Discord role.
I’ll keep you updated, meanwhile, you can check the new animated preview from around the middle of the animation:
[WIP] Temple of Coom teaser
Magistar R’Shiru!
Thank you for participating in the polls, the next animation (smaller) will be R’Shiru fighting evil as a magical girl (or will she?). You wanted more R’Shiru, you’ll get it!
We’re changing the strat this time, and the R’Shiru animation will be released in parts instead of one big animation (we were supposed to be doing that for a long time, but yeah). That way, you won’t be waiting for a year for something to watch.
The part 1 is scripted and we have the voice recordings, I will get to animating it as soon as I’m done with fixing Sol’phie’s stuff!
Render pack
The montly render pack will be here tommorow, truly a variety of scenarios this month, as usual, many of them requested by Discord users.
Thank you for your amazing support, I hope you have a great summer! 🙂
- Nothing like some bulge!
- T-two?
- Surely that's good for the spine.
August 9, 2024 @ 10:49 pm
Just here to say I am patiently awaiting the new video. 😅
July 15, 2024 @ 1:46 pm
А как смотреть ваши анимации? Нужна подписка или что??((
July 15, 2024 @ 2:00 pm
They’re in the content tab.
July 28, 2024 @ 6:41 am
Здесь всё бесплатно, просто ещё в разработке, это реклама того что скоро появится.