Progress report 08.12.2023 – Is this white stuff snow?

Hello everyone, I trust you’re doing great in this pre-holiday time. Some gift shopping anyone? 🙂
While it’s out of season, we’ll be staying in halloween themes for a while longer!

Liz Meru Miru animation

The main focus at this moment is finishing the animation featuring all your favourites, so our slutty catgirls and resident futa. The animation will be around 3 minutes long and feature a blowjob scene and a threesome scene, see attached images for reference.

The base animation is mostly done, but of course, as usual, it needs to get sound, so we’ll start recording soon. Stay tuned for more previews!

We ran a Discord character popularity poll and unsurprisingly Meru and Miru dominated the ranking, so hopefully it doesn’t get better than that!

Chapter 4

I’m sure you’re eager to know what’s happening with chapter 4. I did some work on it, but I have no extra previews to show at this stage, also animating walking is very hard! Hehe 🙂

November render pack

As you came to expect, tommorow I’ll post the render pack from November, which has the power of randomness, many of the renders suggested by Discord members.

Thank you for your support everyone, it means a lot to me! And I wish you fantastic december 🙂