Progress Report 10.08.2024 – Eggscelent situation

Hello everyone, I hope your weather is nice and you’re having some cold drinks. And speaking of hot climates, let’s get right to news.

Temple of Coom

I’m working on the last fixes, VFX and rendering the animation. It will still take a while, I can’t guarantee any timeframe for release, I want it to be nice. The audio is being worked on, there are some final retakes being re-recorded where the audio didn’t quite perfectly fit the animation. I will get you some more animated previews maybe, but then again, I don’t want to spoil everything (although I already did spoil a lot). I’m not sure, let me know.

Thank you for your patience, I know it’s taking a ridiculous amount of time. 🙂

Other than that, you can expect another image pack tommorow!

We also have the bulk of audio recording done for the next animation featuring R’Shiru (and a bit of Sa’tsu), although I didn’t work on that animation yet. We have the script, but I didn’t decide what the “bad guys” will be. Werewolves are somewhat stale, I need to make/get some cool monster dudes for the girls to have fun with. And you very much decided in the recent poll we don’t want human dudes around here 😉

If you have any suggestions regarding that, let me know as well!

I hope you have a great rest of weekend and thank you for your ongoing support!