Progress Report 09.07.2023 – Let there be Coom

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well! I’m sure you’re interested in what’s cooking, and it’s not pasta, although it’s also long and you can put it in your mouth. Ekhm.


Unfortunately Kyot hosting is kaputt and it doesn’t seem it’s coming back. As such, many of the links are dead. I’ll be looking for alternatives and I’m fixing some of the more important links, but it’s a process that will take some time. I apologize for the inconvenience!

Le Chapter 4

Work on the new big animation is progressing relatively to the plan. The full animatic (a slideshow basically) was completed a couple weeks ago, we finalized the script (in large part thanks to Pyreaus, our writer), and it has been provided to the VA, so we’re recording the voice acting now!

There’s a small number of assets that needs to be created for the purposes of Chapter 4 to replace the placeholders that are in the scene currently. I included images of some of them, we had some trouble deciding the gate, so you can see some rejected ones, like the very NSFW one!

Like with every update I want to make it painfully clear – the Chapter 4 animation will still take a long time to complete, there’s a lot of cool stuff (or at least I think it’s cool) I want to look decent and it takes time.

I added a checklist to the project page, although you won’t be able to calculate the ETA based on it. []

Once the voice acting is recorded, you can expect some animation streams, so please check out my twitter [] or Discord for stream announcements if you’re interested.

Thank you for your patience, I will make it nice!

Tentacle SPA7

Eleonore’s tentacle SPA grew a little bit bigger in scope than initially planned, mostly due to a fact that people felt that Eleonore didn’t get any attention at all so far! Therefore the animation is being extended with extra cool bits, I can’t promise it’ll be done this month, because of the sound. I included a tiny animated teaser for now!


Image Render Pack

It’s tradition already – tommorow there’ll be a new pack of June renders and it’s a spicy one! We had some really cool requests this past month and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

I’d like to wish you all the best and thank you for your outstanding support to allow me to work on cool stuff! I really appreciate you all 🙂